Deal News - GreenGate Partners advised the shareholders of deviceTRUST GmbH on the sale to Cloud Software Group

21. Dezember 2024 Dr. Tobias Schönhaar, LL.M.
Deal News - GreenGate Partners

GreenGate Partners has successfully advised the shareholders of deviceTRUST GmbH on the sale of their shares to Cloud Software Group Germany GmbH.

The acquisition means that Citrix, a business unit of Cloud Software Group, is expanding its offerings to include deviceTRUST’s innovative security solutions.

deviceTRUST offerings are leading context-aware security solutions that enable organizations to securely design hybrid work environments. The planned integration into the Citrix platform will strengthen zero-trust access control and enable organizations to control access to applications and data even more precisely based on device posture and user context.

Advisors GreenGate Partners

Dr. Tobias Schönhaar, LL.M. (Bond) (Lead / Partner / Corporate)
René Spitz LL.M. (USC) (Partner/Corporate) (Lead)
Constantin Forstner (Associate/Corporate)
Carl von Sydow (Associate/Corporate)
Dr. Jens Ginal (Partner / Employment)
Dr. Alexander Raif (Partner / Employment)
Alexander Tribess (Partner / IT, IP)
Paul Harloff (Associate / IT & Data Protection)
Tobias Perchermeier (Associate / Data Protection and General Commercial Law)
Dr. Sven Schilf (Partner/IP, IT & Life Sciences)
Lenz Hesse (Associate/IP, IT & Life Sciences)