Dr. Alexander Raif

Attorney | Partner
Specialized lawyer for labor law

Location: Berlin

T: +49 30 5093235-0

Main Focus Areas
  • Advising on day-to-day personnel work, legal design of mobile and digital work
  • Employment law advising on transactions, restructurings, company sales and transformations
  • Advising on collective labor law, negotiation of operational changes
  • Labor court litigation

Teaching Activities
  • Lectureship for labor law at Fresenius University, Berlin
  • German
  • English

2009 – 2022

Weitnauer Rechtsanwälte, since 2012 as Partner

2007 – 2009

Associate at Steinkühler-Kanzlei für Arbeitsrecht, Berlin

Since 2006

Specialized lawyer for labor law

2003 – 2006

Associate at Melchers Rechtsanwälte, Berlin

2001 – 2003

Junior Lawyership at Regional Court Neuruppin

1995 – 2000

Law studies at the universities of Cologne and Freiburg i.Br.

Publications (sample selection)
  • Co-author of Kramer, IT-Arbeitsrecht, 2nd edition, C.H. Beck-Verlag, Munich 2019, including on electronic personnel files, works council and data protection, IT works agreements.
  • Co-author of Weitnauer/Müller-Stoefen, Beck`sches Formularbuch IT-Recht, 5th edition, C.H. Beck-Verlag, Munich 2020, inter alia on telework contract, “Bring your own device”.
  • Employee Invention Act („Arbeitnemererfindergesetz“ – ArbNErfG), §§ 2-4, in: Boemke/Kursawe (eds.), 1st ed. C.H. Beck Verlag, Munich 2015
  • Co-author of the personnel lexicon (online lexicon) published by C.H. Beck-Verlag, commentary on more than 50 keywords, including terminations for personal reasons, staff reductions, personnel planning, secondary employment, educational leave, occupational health and safety
  • Publication of more than 70 articles on labor law topics, among others in ArbRAktuell, GWR